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by Gabriel Franchere
Edited by Rex Ziak
The newly edited and annotated version Franchere's 1820 journal, Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America in the Years 1811, 1812, 1813 and 1814, or The First American Settlement on the Pacific.
Astoria, Oregon is the oldest American city on the west coast, and the story of its founding is one of the most amazing chapters in all of early American history. The city was born out of the great cision and boundless ambition of John Jacob Astor, who needed a place between New York and Canton where his ships could acquire furs. His choice was the Columbia River.
He sent a shipload of rugged men with supplies to build warehouses, wharfs and trading posts, but there were problems along the way. The grueling hardships of wilderness life took their toll. There were drownings and explosions, attacks and near starvation. And a war.
Fortunately, one of the men kept a journal and wrote daown in plain language exactly what happened from beginning to end. His name was Gabriel Franchere.
This annotated edition of Franchere's eyewitness narrative gives the reader a rare glipse into the beginnings of Astoria in a way never before seen and will compel everyone to rethink this history we thought we knew.
Softcover: 194 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9725315-3-5